Evangelist Neil Cadwell (1940-2017) and his wife Peggy spent their married lives criss-crossing America and the globe preaching the Gospel for 52 years.
A Pillsbury Baptist Bible College graduate, Dr Cadwell is a recipient of several awards: early in his evangelistic ministry he was inducted into the Lucerne Conference Hall of Fame in California; he received an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Indiana Baptist Bible College in Indianapolis, Indiana, and an honorary DD from Mountaineer Bible College. In addition, Dr Cadwell was named The Warrior of Faith by Ambassador Baptist College, and he received a citation from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. For many years he and Peggy traveled in evangelism using their gifts and talents in local independent Baptist churches. Peggy sang solos and held children’s meetings. His preaching ministry took him to sixteen foreign countries and on six continents! Brother Cadwell had two outstanding abilities. First, he preached in the power of the Holy Spirit and was unashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. You can click on this link ________ and listen to him preach in the 2012 Missions Conference at Crosspointe Baptist Church in Indianapolis, IN. His timely message entitled “The Harvest Is Plenteous!” remains relative today! Second, Brother Neil was not only a preacher, he was a man of prayer… and he got his prayers answered! What we are seeing with Slavic Baptist Mission is just an extension of his prayers. He begged the Lord to continue this ministry and we are thankful God is still answering his prayers and the prayers of many others! In 1992 Evangelist Cadwell began traveling to the Ukraine holding local church evangelistic meetings there as well as the surrounding counties. It was during these repeated trips that he come to realize the great need of training men and women for the Gospel ministry. In 1996, Dr Cadwell began the Slavic Baptist Institute in Ukraine. Today that ministry continues to thrive under the leadership of our missionary, Derek Thomas. For the next twenty years Brother Neil’s labors and vision grew expanding to the starting of camps and orphanages. By 2020, we have over 200 graduates from SBI many returning to their hometown to start churches and/or to help their pastor. Neil and Peggy have one daughter, April, who lives in Natchez, Mississippi and three grandchildren, Logan, who serves in the Marine Corp, Aubrey and Ella. Peggy continues to serve the Lord in her local church, Grace Baptist Church in Muncie, IN. She teaches in the Sunday School, and holds Bible studies in her home for Chinese students who are studying at Ball State University. She has a real ministry to the students and they love her dearly. Only eternity will reveal the impact of Dr Cadwell’s ministry in Ukraine and around the world. We thank God for our rich heritage at Slavic Baptist Mission. |