Announcement of Dr Rick Arrowood as new President and Director of Slavic Baptist Mission
In 1991 our great God opened the door to Eastern Europe through the fall of communism in the region. The Neil Cadwell Evangelistic Ministries stepped into the gap quickly, seeking to effectively support believers and churches throughout the region, as well as evangelizing the lost. The Slavic Baptist Institute began under Neil’s leadership in 1996 with 22 students and since that time has averaged 65-70 students per session, with students coming primarily from Belarus, Ukraine, and Moldova.
Slavic Baptist Mission was founded as a board and parent organization to oversee the work of SBI under Dr. Cadwell’s guidance. Until his homegoing in 2017, Neil served as the President and Director for SBM and was the primary force for promotion, fundraising, and student recruitment for SBI. Under his leadership the vision for the work expanded to camps and orphanages, meeting a great need among the Slavic churches.
When Neil was preparing for glory, his burden and vision was for another man to step up to the plate and lead as the Director of SBM. God has not provided that man to guide the organization – until now!
Dr. Rick Arrowood has faithfully and effectively served for several years as the chairman of the board of SBM while ministering since 2008 as the Senior Pastor of Crosspointe Baptist Church in Indianapolis, IN. On March 24, the Board of SBM enthusiastically and unanimously voted to extend a call to Rick to be our next President and Director, and we rejoice that he has accepted, beginning his new position on June 1, 2020. Please be much in prayer for Rick and his dear wife, Dolly, as they transition from their role at Crosspointe into this exciting new opportunity. Please pray that God will open doors in churches across the United States for Rick to share his burden and vision for the future of SBM.
Dr. Bud Steadman, Executive Director of Baptist World Mission Member of the Board of Slavic Baptist Mission